
Throughout this course we will constantly define//redefine//break//rebuild “animation” in the traditional and broad sense as 2d, 3d, 4d, time-based and experiential.


This course explores non-traditional techniques/mediums for creating motion graphics and animation. Some common forms include: projection mapping, mixed media compositing, collaborative animation, loops/gifs, memes, kinetic sculpture, stop motion (photographing physical models), pixilation (stop motion with people), digital collage, direct-to-film, filming with/out a lens, tilt-shift, digital cell animation, among others.


The face of animation is rapidly changing, computers can now duplicate naturalistic movements, often better than traditional drawings can. However, even though the dominant form of commercial animation may now be 3D or computer generated, many expressive, technical, and commercial advantages and possibilities exist outside its realm. Its our purpose in this course to seek them out and experiment with new and “old” (in the traditional sense) forms of time based image making. We will explore and experiment with various mediums, methods, practices and concepts not only to find new forms and means of expression but also potential innovation, or tool adaption.


Animation & Motion, by definition, are not easy to categorize-­‐ in fact-­‐ the goal of the course is to constantly redefine what it means, to push the boundaries, explore unknown techniques, search for something new, and take risks that may lead to unexpected results.

This course involves investigations of the aesthetic and conceptual transformations that happen to media as they pass into, through, and out of the digital domain. The objective is to learn and put into practice the basic technical skills and experimentation required in the imagemaking process to make expressive and engaging animated works. Lectures, demonstrations, screenings and readings provide students with the opportunity to integrate concept, form and technology while exploring the possibilities of animation.

*For the full Course Syllabus- including policies, grading, and more- please go to HuskyCT .